Category Archives: success

Do, Do, Do: That, That, That; This, This, This…


The more I research being successful, the more difficult and pressured it seems to be… even enough to create a psychosis (if I’m not careful)!

When I consider the advice from experts, the list of “you just need to…” actions becomes longer and longer. To implement their ideas of how to be(come) successful, I must…

* know my niche
* get my brand right
* have a great business name
* have the right attitude
* create a social media campaign
* have coaches for all aspects of my business
* have a clear elevator pitch
* be a master networker
* must not broadcast but, build relationships
* write informational products – books, blogs and articles
* get the SEO right
* be efficient and effective in time management
* understand technology
* understand systems and process of business
* understand what experts tell me
* know what the message is and deliver it with effective PR and marketing
* be confident
* be there for breakfast meetings
* join clubs
* be there for evening programs
* keep up with emails, tweets and my network through regular informative content
* regularly press the flesh
* be interesting and informative
* build good relationships that mean people will buy from me
* know how to speak and close sales
* know how to be good value, charge a sensible fee and get paid
* motivated; energised and excited by what I do
* be wise enough to know where the pitfalls are, then avoid them
* have a website that brings traffic and encourages buy-ins and interaction
* the list goes on, and on, and on…

What I ask is: which and what tools and advice have you found have made the difference you needed to Aha! then implement to achieve your required change?

